Hello guys! This post is going to be quick and to-the-point, but if anyone is interested in books, I have just started a book blog over at: ofbooksandbadgers (its on wordpress, scandalous)
Just a heads up! I'll hopefully be posting more consistently in the next month or so!
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
Benefit Goodies A Go-Go||Chatty Review
Chatty review? Is that what I'm calling them now? I guess so!
The glare from my light... it'll be the end of me! |
I seem to always be apologising for not posting, but sorry for not posting! My new year's resolution is to post more!
So I'm back with another of these 'chatty reviews'! I'm calling them that because I don't think I'm critical enough for these to be full-on reviews, so I prefer them to be chattier.
You open it up to be greeted by a little booklet with a couple of smokey eye looks you can achieve with this set, and underneath that, you font the products themselves
There are four eyeshadows, a mini Stay Don't Stray, and also a mini They're Real mascara. Let's start from the left, with the eyeshadows!
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call my buff doesn't show up that well on camera, you'll just have to trust what I'm saying! |
Call My Buff: This is quite a light shade, but is an amazing highlighting colour and is my current go-to eyeshadow.
Gilt-y Pleasure: Was a lot more gold-toned than I expected from how it looked, but I am IN LOVE with this!
Thanks a Latte: I think this is a bronze-y colour, but I'm sure someone will correct me! This shade is fabulous and although I haven't used it as much as the others, I always get compliments when I use it!
Kiss Me, I'm Tipsy: Unlike the other shades, this is more matte than frost, and is a gorgeous colour for your crease!
Next is the mini Stay Don't Stray primer. I am very pale, and since this was in light/medium, I was worried it would be too dark for my skin tone, as I am very pale. But, much to my surprise, this blends amazingly, and is now a daily must. I wear eyeliner everyday even if I don't do anything else to my face, and I often get the problem of my eyeliner transferring from my lash line up into my crease, but this primer stops that and I am so grateful for that!
Last but not least, a mini They're Real mascara. I'm sure you've all heard about it, and all I can say, it definitely is what everyone says it is! It is amazing, but can be a pain to remove if you don't want to splash out on the special remover. This is amazing for school, especially if you have PE, because sometimes you don't really want all of your makeup to sweat off, so having this in your bag along with a little pack of makeup remover wipes and a bit of concealer can really help you get through the rest of the day if you aren't as confident with your makeup-less face!
That is all for today! I really hope you enjoyed this little chatty review, and I'll probably see you next month knowing me! Hope you all have an amazing rest of January! (I just checked, tomorrows the last day of January, isn't it?! whoops...)
-Manth x
Friday, 26 December 2014
MAC Rocky Horror Picture Show Riff-Raff Palette||Chatty Review
Hi everyone!
Firstly, I want to apologise for the lack of posts in the last month, everything has been quite hectic and I really haven't had the time. (I assure you, I would have rather been writing blog posts than doing my history project)
Secondly, I hope you all had a lovely christmas, whether you celebrate it or not. I did get a couple of makeup related items so I'm going to show you one in this very blog post.
You (hopefully) guessed by the title that I got the MAC Rocky Horror Picture Show Riff-Raff Palette, which I am so thankful for. This was a gift from my mum and I absolutely love it. I am a huge fan of Rocky Horror, and as soon as I found out that MAC would be doing a Rocky Horror themed collection I instantly wanted some of the products. I don't have masses of money though, so I didn't get a chance to get anything as it all sold out very quickly, but luckily, my mum had gotten this for me to unwrap yesterday.
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I am in love with MAC's minimalistic packaging, and the matte finish! |
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Out of the packaging. |
What I love about the palette is the size; it is perfect for travel as it is quite small, and as you can see from the picture below, it fits in my hand (I have a small hand, too)
When you open it up, there are 6 shades. Of these shades, two are matte, three are frost, and the other is veluxe pearl.
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I love seeing eyeshadows in pristine condition, I almost didn't want to use them! |
I'll now show you the swatches! Sorry; it was getting dark so I had to use the flash :)
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My chipped nail polish is 'Can Can' from Ciaté and is a lovely wine coloured shade. |
Oh, Rocky! (frost): This is a very, light, subtle shade. It's very pearly, and I'm using it in the inner corners of my eyes and it looks gorgeous!
Crystal (frost): Another light shade. In the palette it looks quite grey (that may just be my camera), but it definitely has lavender undertones, especially when it catches the light. I ran this lightly under the wing of my eyeliner just to add that little extra to my makeup. I did however have to layer it up a little bit, so it could perhaps be a bit more pigmented.
Blackberry (matte): A very berry colour, as you would expect from the name. It looks lovely on, and would be perfect for a christmas party.
Graphic Style (veluxe pearl): Very shimmery colour, but it is mostly a warm grey. It has a quite metallic shimmer, I think it must have a dark silver shimmer. Another one perfect for a christmas party, but I think I'm going to be wearing it to a New Years Eve party.
Heavy, Black and Pendulous (frost): Despite its name, this shade is definitely more of a dark blue, and as you can see from the photo, it has a silver shimmer when it catches the light.
Carbon (matte): Amazing pigmentation for sure! Quite a charcoal-y shade, even more so due to the matte finish. I personally don't think I'd be able to pull this off, but I know loads of people who could; its quite bold. I wish I had this for halloween when I dressed up as Magenta (from Rocky Horror) as this would be perfect!
Overall, I am so happy with this palette, and if you can find it anywhere, I fully recommend it, but it does come with quite a painful price tag. I am so thankful for receiving this, and I hope you all got what you wished for.
Also, I'm away at the moment, but when I get back I'm going to do a 'Top 10 Books of 2014'!
-Manth xo
(corrections will be made in the near future if I spot any mistakes, or want to add anything)
The inside of the box is amazing!
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Merry Christmas!
I hope you all had an amazing christmas, whether you celebrate it or not, no matter where you are or who you're with, I hope you had a lovely day
-Manth xx
-Manth xx
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Oooh what's this you ask? Well I will tell you now my friend
I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Carla so I thought I may give it a shot so you can learn a little bit about me!
The Rules:
- Give 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions given
- Nominate 11 other bloggers
- Set them 11 questions
- Put the award button on your site
11 facts:
right then let's go!
1) I love dogs and have a 4 year old Golden Retriever
2) I used to do horse riding but I quit because it was too much effort (lazy!)
3) I have two guinea pigs that I adopted from the Blue Cross but they hate me...
4) My favourite place I've been (so far) is probably Chicago, but I think that'll change as I am going to München in Germany next year!
5) I speak good German (my first language is English by the way)
6) I study French but I'm awful at it
7) It's become a tradition for my friend and I, and our mums, to go christmas shopping every year, but we always go somewhere new each year
8) I could spend hours in any comic book store or art store
9) I have bought every Pokemon game since Sapphire for the GameBoy
10) I love christmas
11) One of my favourite scents is cinnamon apple
My answers:
- When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an actress, and I still love drama but I'm not sure about being an actress anymore!
- Do you have any pets? 1 dog and 2 guinea pigs :)
- What’s your favorite Disney movie? I have 3: Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, and Frozen
- Cold or hot weather? preferably neither but if I have to choose... probably cold because that usually means christmastime!
- What’s your favorite band/musician? My Chemical Romance, purely because I've liked them since I was 7 and it's kind of just stuck!
- If you could change your name, what would it be? I don't really like my name, but I'm not sure what I'd change it to... probably Lauren? I'm not sure!
- What’s your greatest virtue? No idea! Probably that I try to be nice to everyone I meet, even if they're extremely rude!!
- What’s your favorite animal? Goats. Full stop. I just think they're really cool. I also love dogs and guinea pigs... they're close runners up.
- Do you have any special talent? I'm grade 5 singing, but I'm not actually sure of my actual talents...
- What’s your favorite colour? purple!
- Do you believe everything happens for a reason? yes. Sometimes no. Mostly yes.
I Nominate:
(more nominations will appear as I think of them!)
My Questions:
1) Favourite animal?
2) Favourite TV show?
3) What do you feel is your greatest achievement in your life so far?
4) Favourite movie?
5) What is your favourite hobby?
6) Favourite food?
7) Favourite animal?
8) Favourite place?
9) What is your best memory?
10) What one place in the world to you want to travel to the most?
11) Create a new word + define it
Thanks again to Carla for the nomination, I enjoyed doing this.
-Mantha xo
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Skincare: How I Keep My Skin in a Good Condition
Being someone who has been getting awful breakouts for a number of years now, only recently have I found some products that I have found to be particularly affective on my skin.
First up is the Lush 'Mask of Magnaminty' this is just a face mask I found at lush a few months ago, and it has literally saved my skin! Most products will take a week or two before you start to see a difference in your skin, but I found indstantaneous results from this one. After one use, my spots were a lot less red and irritated and my skin was super smooth! Not only this but, as you may guess by the name, it contains mint, which is apparently quite good for your skin, and leaves mine feeling & smelling fresh. I just smooth on a thin layer to my face and wait for 15-20 minutes before I wash it off with warm water. If my skin is looking a bit icky and I'm in a hurry I find that I can just put some on troublesome areas and leave it for 5 minutes just to give my skin a little boost. I would definitely recommend this, it's a true life saver!
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315g tub, £9.75 from Lush (I hear there's also a self preserving one, I think it just lasts longer, but I haven't tried it) |
Next product is another Lush one. You really cannot go wrong with Lush! This next one is a solid serum called 'Full of Grace' the lovely assistant in Lush recommended it to me, and after I tried it on my hand I couldn't resist; it left it feeling so soft it was unbelievable! You just glide it over your face and leave it. It goes on quite thick, so I would recommend using it before bed so that your face doesn't look like it has a layer of grease on it. I put this on under the mask of magnaminty, as it opens up the pores and really allows the face mask to thoroughly cleanse my skin. It seems to help my skin but is quite pricey for the small bar you get, so if you're a little short on cash I'd recommend to just get the mask and leave this for another time, because I find this works best paired with the mask, but the mask can be extremely helpful either way.
Right we're now onto my final product of the post. I apologise in advance as I got this one when I was on holiday in America, and you can't get it here in the UK (I was quite disappointed, as I love this) The product isn't a Lush one, would you believe, but a Clean & Clear moisturiser. I was in Chicago a couple of months ago and had run out of anything for my spots and my skin was looking awful, so I popped to a Walgreens that was two blocks away from my hotel and found this to try, I am so glad I did! Not only does it smell lovely and fresh, it reduced the appearance of my spots and left me with amazingly soft skin! I put this on in the morning and just before I went to bed, but also whenever I felt my skin needed a little boost. I would definitely recommend this to anyone over in America, it's so quick and easy and sinks into your skin quickly!
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Not sure of the price, sorry! It was quite cheap though, around $10 in the skin care section at Wallgreens :) |
But my number one tip has to be: Drink LOTS of water! You will notice an amazing difference if you start drinking more (that is, if you don't already!)
Anyway, I hope this helped some of you!
Manth xo
Ooh! Before I go, I want to ask, has anyone tried the 'Skin Drink' moisturiser from Lush? It has good reviews and I was wondering wether or not I should get it x
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Hello Everybody!
Hello! This is my new blog, I will be posting beauty, fashion and life related things, so I hope you enjoy and stick around.
I think it's only appropriate that we get to know each other, so let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Samantha, or Manth, sometimes Mantha and I'm British. My favourite colour is mint (no prizes for guessing that!) and I seem to have bit of an obsession with Soap & Glory, Lush, Benefit and Mac. Oh gosh! This wasn't really planned out well! ooh what else? I really love photography and art!
If you have any questions you want to ask then feel free to leave a comment and I'll be sure to answer!
Until the next post,
Cheerio for now!
Samantha x
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